Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's Not Easy But It's Worth It: Living On My Own By Freddie Mercury

Ever notice when you were a kid, you were very dependent on people around.  When things were tough you had your parents, siblings and friends to help you.  But as you grow older, you become less and less dependent on them and you are doing things on your own and eventually you'll be thrown into the world where you'll be doing things by yourself.  Though it may hard at first, once you get the hang of it, there's no turning as you start to truly stand on your two feet.  That hard period on living alone reminds me of the song "Living On My Own" by Freddie Mercury.

Sometimes you get excited about going off on your own because now you're longer under anyone's supervision let alone anyone's control.  Still, it doesn't start well for you have to learn to cook and clean for yourself and there will be times when you have tighten especially when things get rough financially.  It really is test you to see if you are strong or not.  That's where the truth about what it means to be living on your own really sets in because only if you're strong enough to stand on your own despite the pressures only then can you say that your independent.

If you persevere, you reap the benefits of what you sow.  It takes time but eventually you'll see the results.  It's never easy to live on your own but you have to if you want to find yourself in this world.  Still, you'll till you try.  It's not easy at first but in the end, it's worth it.

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