Thursday, September 24, 2009

When To Differentiate Between Good Advice And A Load Of Crap And Be Yourself: Shake Your Head By The Eraserheads

Like I blogged in my last entry, the sellouts are usually the ones who brainwash people with dreams of grandeur but when things fall apart, they're the ones who suddenly turn tail and run. I guess this is the reason why I'm very careful as to what ideas I take in as well as associate with people who suddenly change their spots with the season. As a result I have become very set in my ways because living life by what's "in" is not my thing. So when I think and feel that it's all a load of crap, it's time to leave. The song "Shake Your Head" offers good advice when it comes to people trying to brainwash you and trying to make you something that you're not. There's a difference between good advice and a load of crap. The crap is when people say something about you out of malice. Even if there was some truth in what they said, the purpose was more to hurt rather than to teach. This doesn't help anyone at all and it only makes people and turn away from legitimate advice. Whether it's television or the radio, people try to get into your head and make you try stuff that do you more bad than good. The thing I hate about it the most is when they're trying to make you into something that you aren't or worse, something you don't want to be. Although I still take advice from people, these days I try to figure things out for myself and live life as I want to live it. My life maybe plain and boring, but so far, so good. I'm tired of being forced into a certain lifestyle or belief only to find out it was pack of lies and the perpetrators suddenly sing a new tune. I'd rather go my own merry way. So when someone tries to sell you load of crap, shake your head and walk away.

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