When people I interact with desribe what I am during a group encounter, the answer is always the same: You're Weird! I guess it's due to some of the crazy antics that I do when the mood gets into me. At other times, people say you think too much, whenever I'm stay motionless for long periods of time when during my break. I guess it's because of the whacky environment in which I grew up in and the crazy situations that me and my brothers often find ourselves in. Either way, sometimes I'm eccentric and other times I get nostalgic. Any whenever I get comments like that, the song "Reelin In The Years" by Steely Dan starts playing in my head.
This band played some of my favorite songs and when me and my brothers would listen to this particular song during those "moments" when times were really good. I guess I can relate to the wierd part when people often misunderstand what I say on certain issues. I guess that's why I prefer to write than to talk because sometimes I wind up blurting the wrong things and end up making a spectacle of myself. The nostalgic part of this song is something that I can really relate to because I tend to hold on to things and moments that have special meaning to me in my life. Especially now that friends and gimicks are now a rare commodity, you'd be lucky to hold on to anything that lasts, especially if that thing have a personal value to you.
Right now, I guess being nostalgic and weird are the two things that describe me best. it's either I'm misunderstood or I dwell too much on the past. This song helps remind me of that and more importantly it was one of the songs that were played during all the escapades we did as kids which is what I long for alot lately. I hope one day I not only reel in the years, but that they come alive again because those were truly good times and that I wish would lasts.
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