Saturday, February 11, 2012

When Your Best Is Not Enough: Best Of My Love By The Eagles

One of my earlier blog post dealt with the fact that love is not enough in a relationship. Despite the how genuine your love is, if you can't deliver or make no effort to change then don't be surprise when it starts slipping away. In the end, you're left all alone and wondering what went wrong. What hurts even more was the fact that you gave it your all (or so you say). Sadly, a lot of relationships go down that road. When it falls short despite giving your all, the song "Best Of My Love" by The Eagles comes to mind.

You get together with a special someone, that's only the beginning. It's always great at the start and each of you give assurances to each other that you'll be together no matter what. Then the hard times hit you and disagreements, personal agendas etc., start open cracks in that bond. Deep inside you still love each other but that isn't enough keep things from falling apart. That's when you realize the sad truth that it wasn't meant to be.

It really hurts when something so good suddenly comes undone. You did all that you could but sadly it was inevitable. You know deep inside that this was true. Still it was good while it lasted and those memories can still warm a heart at night. It would remind you of the time when you each gave the best of your love.

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