Let's face it. Not everyone winds up with a fairy tale ending where you live happily ever after. There are a lot bf people out there who got dumped and are now broken hearted. Well for these guys have to take whatever there's left but that isn't a bad thing because something good may come out if they try really hard enough. This is why I'll use the song "Two Times My Lovin" by The Fabulous Thunderbirds for this post.
This song is appropriate for people who think that settling for something else after being dumped by their dream mate is a bad thing. But think about it, at least these people were able to see something in you that the dumper did not. They also appreciate you for who you are when the dumper did not. They won't demand too much since they really dig you for who you are. All you have to do is give them a chance.
Some people still insist on being with those who don't have feelings who don't have feelings for them. These guys are really fools. They may not be the No.1 choice but they're special never the less. Nobody likes shifting to a plan B but sometimes it may be better than your previous choice. You get two times the love even if it is second hand love.
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