Friday, February 3, 2012

Times When Love Makes Us Act Like Fools: Foolish Heart By Steve Perry

Yesterday I blogged about the need for balance between the heart and mind when it comes to love. This is because a lot of people get in too deep they don't realize what it is that they're getting into until it's too late. They are so attracted to a person they think that that person is the one and they'll hit off. A lot of times, it's not the case and you're left feeling like a fool who fell overboard over nothing. That's the lesson I learned from Steve Perry's song "Foolish Heart".

When it comes to love, the fool is always the guy who gets dumped. These are the people who just didn't want to face reality that it was never love. Some of them force the issue but it's useless to do because there was never any spark in the first place. They didn't want to accept it and keep clinging to a fantasy that they made up. In the end, they're left alone and yes feeling like a fool.

I'm no expert but I do it takes more than interest for a person to share his or her life with another. That's when the knowing comes into play. You have to know the good and the bad of that person and be ready to accept it. Change will come eventually if your really committed. Well, that's one way to avoid playing the fool and a lot of people often act like fools when it comes to love.

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