Sunday, April 15, 2012

When Time Is Gold: Killing Time By Triumph

When you're young, you have nothing but time to spare but when you're older, it's a different story. With so much commitments and decisions to make, what was once something that you have in abundance is suddenly becoming scarce. It gets worse when things in your life goes wrong and you reach that point that time has passed you by. You're just left feeling alone and abandoned and at night you think about the things that could have been but didn't happened. For who feel that their time has come and gone and nothing's coming anymore, the song "Killing Time" by Triumph comes to mind.

You know a person's wasted his time when he has that faraway look as if he or she is trying to find something that would make him or her complete. The reasons for could be due to wrong choices, hesitations, an error in judgement, hesitancy, fear, peer pressure, etc. What ever the reason what could have been turned into never will be. These are the people who die a little when they lie in bed. That's because they knew what they have lost and they have no one but themselves to blame because if they were determined to be what they want to be, they wouldn't be feeling this way.

Right now a new batch of kids have just graduated better learn that lesson early. They think they have all the time in the world but if before they know it, it's gone and they find themselves out in the cold as a new batch overtakes them. When it's gone, it won't come again and regret it or not, you have to move on and build with what's left. I guess that's why they say that you live your live to the fullest cause you only get to go around the world once. Make the most of it cause time is gold and if you waste it, its really your loss.

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