Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Speak It Your Mind: Tell It Like It Is By Don Johnson

One of the reasons why some people don't get anywhere is because they can't express what is that's inside them. A lot of times, we let doubt and apprehension get in the way of saying what it is we really want or how they really feel. It gets worse when the fear overcomes their resolve and they wind up keeping it all bottled up inside themselves. I guess this is what William Wallace meant when he said about in your beds every night. The importance of expressing what you think and feel reminds me of the song"Tell It Like It Is" by Don Johnson.

Why is it that we can't say what we really mean? Is it because we are afraid of being ridiculed? Maybe it's because it runs counter to what is prevalent at the moment. One thing's for sure, when you let the chance slip, don't be surprised if you feel like crap afterwards. That lost opportunity will sure gnaw at your insides for failing to do so. In the end, you have no one but yourself to blame because if you were serious, nothing and nobody would stop you.

I remember B.J, Penn said something about pleasing other people can lead to your failure or something to that effect. Not speaking what you think and feel is one good way of going there. For those of you who still have the chance, don't afraid to speak your mind. It's one good sign that your headed to where you're going instead of keeping things inside you which can make you feel stranded in nowhere land.

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