Monday, February 25, 2013

When Two Old Acquaintances Meet: Sam By Olivia Newton John

Though I'm not a romantic, there are times when I remember some people whose company I enjoyed way back then.  The times I've spent with them were among the brightest moments of my life.  There were times when I bump into some of them when I least expected it.  When that happens, time just stops and we'd talk for a while about the good times and exchange information about how people we know are doing as well as how we'v been since we last met.  When I bump into an old friend or old acquaintance, the song "Sam" by Olivia Newton John comes to mind.

Like I said earlier, I had a few run-ins with some of my old friends.  I have to admit if I've had the choice I'd make it last longer.  I guess it's because time just stops and for a moment I'm back to being a 16 or 18 depending on when I had the pleasure of being in this person's company. More importantly, I have to admit certain feelings awake after seeing them because of how I felt about them back then.  I guess that's the reason why it's so hard to part ways because reality beckons us to move on.

You know I still can't believe that some people say this song was dedicated to a pet of hers that died. This song is much more than that.  I guess that's why I wonder about certain people who I want to see again whenever I hear this song being played.  I don't where they are but I wish them well and hope their doing okay.  It sure would be nice to see them again and relieve the good times even for just a moment.

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