Sunday, February 10, 2013

For Those Who Still Can't Get Over It Or Won't Give: Still Loving You By The Scorpions

They say it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.  There are those however, who don't subscribe to that. They really can't get over the person that  they cared about or refuse to give up the fight.  I guess that's how strong their feelings are it remains burning inside them.  People who feel that way remind me of the song "Still Loving You" by The Scorpions.

It really hurts when you lose out in love.  There are those who really can't get over that kind of loss.  Feeling is so strong that there those who would not love again after that.  There are also those who are in a no-win situation when it comes to love.  Still, no matter how hard it takes they'll keep trying till they succeed.  Well to those guys, I say good luck.

It's hard trying to win someone's heart. It's also hard to get over a relationship once it's over.  This is true when you worked so hard and loved so much just to make it work.  I guess some things just don't last or are not meant to be.  In the end, what will be will be so we have to live with it.

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