Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Song For The Environment: Ship Of Fools by World Party

miApril is not only the month of summer in the Philippines, but it is also the time where we celebrate Earth Day on the 22nd as a reminder that we must take care of the planet as well as conserve our resources. With the threat of global warming, high oil prices, shortages on food supply, observance of earthday has become more important than ever. In my country, people are taking a beating from political, social, economic and environmental problems that have gone from bad to worse. Wealth is situated in the hands of the few who exploit it to the fullest resulting to depletion of resources and pollution of the environment. As pollution of the environment and depletion of our natural resources takes it's toll on society, I guess the band World Party knew what they were talking about in their song "Ship Of Fools".

Al Gore and Leonardo De Caprio would have been proud of this song which speaks of how greed for wealth and power have damaged our planet and depleted its resources. The video version is perfect clearly describes this song well as it shows images of materialism, pollution, big corporation taking land, natural catastrophies and its terrible effects on people and the planet. In the last part of the video, the band reminds vewiers that we have only one planet and that we should take good care of it. This was long before Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". It shows that even during this materialistic and care-free decade, we did care about our planet.

No one wants to go aboard a sinking ship and that's what the earth is if we do not take care of it. Even if we do find a new planet like this, how many of us will be able to live to see it, let alone live in it. For the mean time, this is our home and we must take care of it now more than ever. Let us do our part for the environment not only on Earth Day and everyday so we and future generations can continue living in it. If not, then this planet will really turn into a ship of fools.

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