Friday, April 29, 2011

Really Feels Like Being Reborn: Holy River By Prince

It's been a week since Holy Week ended and during that period, you take some time to reflect on your life as well renew your faith. It's in those times where you shed the sins of the past and reborn again. I guess for me my prayers were answered when the attack status of my blog was lifted and I can finally blog again. For that to happen during the Holy Week was a miracle as well as way to start over with renewed energy. That feeling of rebirth reminds me of the song "Holy River" by Prince.

For a while there, I really felt hopeless. It had to happen at a time where I needed to blog the most and just when traffic and income was starting to take over, I got hacked. After failing to solve the problem on my own, I tried to find someone who could help me and it also took another long period because he was busy and it took while to get the attack status lifted. When the status was lifted my feeling were liked getting out of the dark cage and finally seeing the light. I finally started blogging again in Easter and boy did feel good. I never felt so happy in a long time.

As I've said before, there are still a lot of things to do. I need to put plug-ins that will protect my blog and I need to be more careful of where I go when I surf the net. Still fact that I can blog again is joyful news for me. I have to go back to the drawing board but it's worth it. I really feels like I was reborn again.

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