Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday And My Restored Blog: Superstar from Jesus Christ Superstar

Today is Easter Sunday and we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ signifying the victory over death and the promise of eternal life. Today is a double celebration for me for my blog that was labeled an attack site distributing malware has been cleared and I can now resume blogging. For me it was miracle and I'm starting to think that it was more than coincidence that this happened on Easter. Right now I am on my knees thanking the good lord and the people who were patient with me and helped me get this blog back to working order. With that in mind, I feel like listening to the song "Superstar" from the play "Jesus Christ Superstar'.

It happened last October 10, 2010 when I was visiting some of the sites of my followers when my computer was infected with malware and next day, not only was my computer infected but my blog was also affected and labeled an attack site. It was the last thing I needed with so many problems that have been happening to us at that time and I sank into a deep depression as I struggled to find a way to solve a dilemna. Fortunately there were some people who referred me to someone who knew how to take care of this kind of situation. It took some time due to the fact that the holidays were nearing and problems at home were really getting to me. Then after submitting a request for review, I waited for a while and when I viewed my blog on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Fire Fox, the warnings were gone. It was the best news that I received in a long time because not only was my blog starting to generate traffic and income, a large part of my life is in each of these entries which I value so much.

Though I am very happy that my blog has been restored, there are still other obstacles that I have to face. I need to reconnect with those who followed with my blog and that's going to difficult now that the primary blog community that made this possible has been shot down. Apart from that, I have to take steps to ensure that this doesn't happen again. Still , right now I am really happy and would to thank the Good Lord, Jhong Medina, Jannette Toral, my contacts and friends who sympathized and took their time to help me. It really is a great Easter Morning! Praise the Lord!

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