When I was young, people said that Heavy Metal was the Devil's Music. A lot of it had images of Satan and if you play the song backwards, you'd here messages from the devil and all that sort of stuff. When you listened to such music, people will think that you're in league with the devil and thus was an outcast. One band that proved that metal isn't really the devil's music is Stryper. A good example of their song that proves Christianity and Metal can mix is called "In God We Trust".
You know one of the reasons why I'm more inclined to the right was because of a lot of injustices that I've seen in the last 20 years. People getting away with doing evil while innocent victims lay helpless and to add insult to injury, some liberal double-talker would lay blame on society rather than the perpetrator. During these cruel and unfair times, we need to hold fast and firm to our beliefs and to protect our own from the corrupting elements that threaten society. I know it's hard but I still believe that the Big Guy is up there and won't abandon us to the evil in our midst. We just have to stand our ground and even if we face incredible odds, what matters is that He is with us and we need not fear anything.
Heck, if rock and rap can mix, so can metal and Christianity. It's just a matter of doing it right. As we enter into this season of Lent, let us remember to always trust in the Lord. His word reaches us through different mediums. Even Heavy Metal is one of those mediums.
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