Well with school no in the back burner, fun is all that kids care about now that summer is here. Road trips, beaches, all-night parties are what they are focus on. Right now they feel like sky-the-limit when it comes to what they can do for the next to months. My only concern is that they might do something reckless and get into some kind of trouble. Being careful during your break reminds me of the song "Violence Of Summer" by Duran Duran.
I've been a kid before and I know what it's like to feel restless and just go wild now that school's over. Looking back, I guess we were lucky because a lot of times we kept it low key which means keeping it within manageable levels of fun. These days, kids tend to push the envelope and often times get into situations that can go out of control. These days, they'll try anything over the edge and as the results often aren't pretty. Whenever that happens, not only they but other people are also affected.
I don't want to be a kill-joy and I know how it feels to just want to break out and do something out of the ordinary. Just remember the whole point is to have fun as well as have something to brag about when the vacation's over. Nobody wants any hassles when they're suppose to be having a good time. If it's too risky, don't do it. It'll save you and a lot of people some grief. So have fun but be careful out there.
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