When I was still in school, I never celebrated summer until my report was in my hand. It was a standard ritual for me, because I firmly believed that only when the coast was a 100% clear, then you finally let loose and go crazy for the summer. That's the reason why the periods after the final exam to the distribution of report cards were so important for me. Once I got my card and the coast was clear, then I really party out and celebrate the summer. That timing when it's really okay to get summer crazy reminds me of the song "Holiday" by Madonna.
I'm not much of a fan of this artist but she dominated the 80's and this song fits the mood of this entry. Anyway, as I look back at the days when I was a student, making sure I didn't flunk was a big deal for me. The thought that my tuition was so expensive and the fact that I didn't want to spend summer going to school moved me to do good on my studies. That's why I spent most of my time praying during Holy Week because I did all that I could and I couldn't let it all go down in vain. That's the reason why I go down on my knees and cry out in joy when it all paid off and I could really enjoy the summer knowing I'm in the clear.
Even now, I put off any kind of celebration until the final results are in. It's a practice that I have kept to this day because I want to be really sure that everything is in order before I launch any kind of festivities. So kids, if you want to have a good summer, make sure you pass all your subjects. Nobody wants to spend their vacation in school, having to pay extra for remedial or summer classes. Just pass your studies first and when you do, it'll really be a holiday.
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