By this time, summer fever is at an all time high. Whether it's out of town to get some sun or just going out on a good old gimmick with your best buddies, you can't stay still cause summertime is gold. Still, there are some people who are content to climb up to a hammock and just swing the day away. For them, simply relaxing is good enough. Get that kind of relaxation reminds me of the song "Life In A Northern Town" by Dream Academy.
I guess I'm at that point in life where I don't need to do anything fancy just to relax during the summer. I guess it's the small town boy in me where I remember studying in a simple school where there wasn't much to do but the people were cool. Just being able to relax and take some of that stress out of your system is indeed a big thing and it cost much just to turn your fan on and see the sun change from yellow to orange as you drink an ice cold brew. Add your favorite 24K song and your set. For me, that's enough.
Sure, I still enjoy a night with the buds and there times when I miss it. Be that as it may, I've accepted the fact that life goes on and as you get older, your pleasure become more simple. What's important for me, is that I get rested and the stress is gone from my system. Another day has ended and your still there to enjoy. Let's not take that for granted.
Dream Academy - Life In A Northern Town
Oliver | MySpace Video
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