I've been an avid fan of many programs on the Discovery Channel. Among my favorites are Deadlest Catch and Lobster Men which revealed the hardships that these fishermen endure just make sure they fill their quota. Even when the rewards are great, the risks are often greater as they brave the seas even in dangerous weather in pursuit of more bounty. It's a hard life but it's what they know and it's a livelihood passed on from generation to generation. When I see the what these fisherman go through and what's at stake with every catch, it reminds me of Billy Joel's song "Downeaster Alexa".
Like crab and lobster fishermen of these two programs, the song depicts the life of fishermen in a small town. Financial problems and lack of fish is forcing many of them to abandon the fishing trade. While some opted for different career paths, others stay and continue with the livelihood that their families have worked in for generations. Despite lack all obstacles, these men continue on because the security of their families are at stake. They have no choice for this is all they know and they try harder to make ends meet.
When I look at the current situation that I'm in, I know I too need to come out of my safety zone and push myself even harder just like these men are doing. A lot of people are depending on me and I don't want to loose their trust. Also, I want to ensure that what my late father had built will not go down in vain. Like the song, I got my back against the wall but there's a lot at stake and I can't back down. I just hope that I do the best that I can like these fishermen do who have always delivered against all odds.
The Downeaster "Alexa"
Billy Joel | MySpace Music Videos
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