I remember when I finally got my grades and knew that I was in the clear, I felt like huge stone was lifted from my shoulders and everything seemed to finally be at eased because now I can finally enjoy the summer. Having proven that I didn't flunk a subject and that I'm certain to move up a level, I felt that I can now do what I want to do since I earned. After all that stressful studying, it sure feels good to finally relax and enjoy the summer. Remembering that stress-free feeling I get as I savored my vacation reminds of Al Jarreau' song "Mornin".
The good part about being in the clear was waking up late without worrying about rushing to school since school is out. Even when the heat is sweltering, it didn't affect me much because I was on vacation. Partying out and coming home to the break of dawn on a daily basis to simply chilling out in a cool place with friends, I felt that I could do anything. It really pays off to work your butt during school because after that, it's sky's the limit in the summer. Being able to do anything and go anywhere was the coolest thing to be.
Well its a different story now with all the deadlines and commitments that I have on my hands. Unlike school, you have to schedule when you take a vacation and you'll be lucky if you get to have two weeks worth. Still, so long as you spend it wisely, it could be just as fun as summer after school. It's just a matter of quality time being well spent. Just remember that the whole point is to just enjoy yourself.
Al Jarreau - Mornin'
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