I was never one for wearing sunglasses. For practical purposes, people where them protect their eyes from the sun's glare which is at its height during the afternoons. Some wear them for a fashion statement and for some reason, no matter what type or brand of glasses one wears, they always keep coming back in style at one point or another. One thing's for sure, people love their sunglasses. When I think about how people go crazy over a pair of shades, the song "Sunglasses At Night" by Corey Hart comes to mind.
If my memory serves me right, wayfarers (preferably Ray-Bans) were the in-thing during my time. Even back then, when my classmates wore them, they always felt like they were something. In short, it made them look cool (even when they were broke). Others wore them to hide their eyes from curious elders when they were "under the influence". Sometimes, I thought I was the only one who didn't bought into the fad. Well I was just a simple kid who stayed in the shadows back then and fads weren't my cup of tea.
These days, the fashion trend seems to be going back to the 80's. Because of this, the wayfarers are back in style. My nephew was in the house looking for my late grandfather's shades because they were back in style again. Just goes to show much people values their shades no matter what era they were and these days department stores and mall sell cheaper versions so that people afford a pair. Just don't go wearing them at night or people might start to get suspicious.
corey hart sunglasses at night
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So Long As I Sounds Good, Then It's Good Enough For Me: Only Rock And Roll By The Rolling Stones
Apart from living the memories and hearing the rare songs of my generation, another reason why I listen to 24K is because they have knack for preserving good music. I'm no music expert but once a song catches my ear my ear, I'm hooked. I don't care what the other people say as long as it good, I'll listen to it. That's why I'm glad that 24K preserves them. Having that in mind, it makes me want to listen to the song "Only Rock And Roll" by The Rolling Stones.
It may be old or outdated, but it still rocks in my ear. If people ask me why, it's simply because I like it. If it makes me stop what I'm doing just to listen to it, then it's good. During my time, a lot of classic 24K songs had that effect on me. It was good then and it's still good now. That's why I'm always hooked on 24K.
These days, contempary music doesn't appeal to me that much. I've tried listening to it but no chord inside me gets struck. That goes to show how much I'm out of touch with today's music and trend. Oh well, I still have my 24K sounds to warm me through the night. To paraphrase this song, "It's only 24K but I like It"!
Rolling Stones - It's Only Rock & Roll
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