You know we all have our highs and lows every now and then. Right now, I am getting case of the "lows" and for some reason this always happens whenever an idea comes into my head and I get all inspired to put it in motion. Then out of the blue, something comes up and whatever flame that gets lit gets snuffed out by dirty water by the gallons. It is for this reason that I carry a lot of emotional baggage inside me. If want to goes in my mind, try listening to the song "Suite Judy Blue Eyes" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.
I can really identify with a lot of the lyrics of this song especially they mention about not being fun anymore as well as about fear and laughter. As I've mentioned countless times, fun time's over around these parts and a good day is when you can simply chill with no noise about the weather, money or whatever topic that tends to raise voices as well as tempers. A long time ago, I was having the time of my life and things were moving, then I was accused of just thinking of myself so I took up the burden and found myself alone with a cow telling me "Now you know how I felt" now that I have to take care of things here. Worst of all, I'm trying to fight the urge to not to loose it as things that could have been really cut my heart apart every time I see the things that could've made me happy whether I go out or watch television or read a newspaper. When gets to that I really remember the part of this song about how it hurts inside.
So once again, I've fallen into another one of those "black moods" and with the things are around here, it's easy to do that. if I was superhero, I'd probably be a lightning rod. Just when you think things quite down, things happen that sullens your mood. As for what I am working on, well I'm still figuring it out. I won't give up though, because if I succeed, it'll make make life a little bearable and provide some shelter from the hail of critiques of so-called "wise guys" who take people apart when they're down any chance that they can get. I hope to God this works, cause there are few options left. All work and no play can make anybody dull.
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