I remember when I read the "Killing Joke" by Alan Miller, I remember the last part when Batman took the Joker in and the Joker told a joke about two inmates in an insane assylum wanted break out of that place. Both conspired to escape by jump across the other building and the first guy jumped off easily. The second, refused to jump even as his partner told him not to worry because he's the flashlight, making easy for him to see where he'd be jumping. In the end, Joker said that the second inmate told his friend that if I had jumped, you turn off the light just when I make it half-way through. As I finish reading the comic book, I wondered which of the two I would be classified under, especially now that I feel the pressure of the situation that I'm in. Thinking about situation reminds me of the song "All Along The Watch Tower" by Jimi Hendrix.
When you make a lot of mistakes in your life, the consquences of those mistakes are really going to eat away at any chance of happiness in your future. Mistakes are like macabre bricks that seal you in your own private prison. When it gets too much, the question is are you going to let yourself be boxed in or are you going to find a way out. It's in situations like this that reveals who the stronger person is: The one who just lets himself be imprisoned or the one who finds a way out of this hell hole. I want to be the latter.
I know it's easier said than done, especially now due to the reasons that I have previously blogged about. I don't want to be whiner who cries and goes into a tantrum just to solve a problem. Even if I'm having a hard time, I want to find the solution to the problem. I know it's not easy, but I won't give up till this bears fruit. I guess better not be afraid and jump across the building with all my might. As for finding a solution to my problem, I remember what Bart Simpson said to Homer when they were trapped on a runaway monorail: "Think Harder Homer"!
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