It is a common stereotype that when people who don't share the same interest as you are immediately tagged as "square". This is especially true when you are young and peer pressure often segregated people into different groups. Usually those who broke the rules and always got away were the "cool people" while those who were just simple people who followed the rules were the "square dudes". Usually the latter was dubbed as being a heel to the group or simply no fun to be with. I realize however that being with square people isn't so bad and if you get to know them better, they're a good bunch to get along with while the so-called cool dudes would burn out or sell out. Every time I hear the song "Hip To Be Square" I remember that lesson.
I know this song is about enjoying the simple pleasures after having one's fill of the fast life. My problem with a lot of people like that is that they usually sell the fast lifestyle to others and when they say it's hip to be square, the guys they brainwash are ones left in the middle of the road. I've met some square people in my life time and they weren't so bad. In fact, a lot of them bailed me out when I had no one to turn to. Another thing I noticed is that these people stick to what they believe in and it has withstood the test of time. I guess being square isn't so bad after all.
Well I do agree that there comes a time when the fast times come to an end as we grow older and we start to settle down. Just be careful not to sell a bunch of crap ideas to that you would later abandon. If in the end, the simple pleasures are the ones that truly count, I would rather enjoy them now because they just can't be beat. I myself am at that point where I've had my fill and would rather just stick to a routine that I can enjoy with the "square folks". Atleast they stay true to themselves. I guess being square isn't so bad especially if it's who you really are.
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