Recently, I blogged about what treating people right. It's obviously important because these people are the ones who support you through good times and bad. They do without asking for anything in return for the obvious reason that they care about you and for them to treated for granted this way is downright mean. Don't be surprised if one day, they're not there anymore and only then will you realize just how important they are. That's the lesson I remember when the song "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses" by
Good people who go out on a limb for you are now a dying breed. They do it because they want to but that doesn't mean that we should treat them like crap and wear them out. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who do that and before they know it, they're gone. Whether they kicked the bucket, got seriously ill or just plain got up and left, either way, you're left there all alone. And when the pressure starts mounting, that's when you realized what you have lost.
You don't have to given them a medal for everything that they do. Nevertheless, show that you appreciate all the things that they have done for you, especially when they have expended themselves in the process. Giving them a little space is also important cause just like machines, people need a break and some maintenance to keep performing right. People like these don't come around everyday and even if they are replaceable, you better be ready to search long and hard before you find another like them. So please treat them right or you'll nobody there to help out when the going gets tough cause the tough people got going.
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