You can tell if a person is happy with his life if everything that he or she wants is there. Living the life that you want to live can sure fill you with joy. However, there are those who aren't so blessed and are lucky to make the most of what life throws their way. Sadly, there also those who end their lives due to the hopelessly of the situation that they find themselves in. Sheryl Crow's song "If It Makes You Happy" reminds of the people who fall in the second and third category.
For you young people out there, if there is anything you want do or be when you grow up, make sure you stand by it. These days a lot of people are not living the life that the want. As much as they've resigned themselves to this situation, deep inside they probably wonder a lot of the things that could have been if fate had not given them such luck. Others who could not accept what life has dealt them simply crashed and burned which is tragic. Trying to live the life that you want is getting harder and harder these days.
As I've said before, if you really want to make your dreams come true, be ready to fight for it. It's at this point where you have to take your own counsel and ignore the snide remarks of those around you. It may sound selfish but your happiness is at stake and if you let all those negative vibes get to you, be ready to see your dreams crumble to dust. If you want to make others happy, you have to be happy first and to do fight hard for what you really want no matter how silly people think these dreams are. Only then can you really know what happiness is.
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