Many times I've mentioned in my blog, that I've got a lot of things to fix in my life both financial, mentally and emotionally. Many times I've also mentioned in my entries why I haven't married yet. Due to what I've said to in the first sentence I need to address all these things and if I don't and get married, my life which is at a very fragile situation might shatter at the weight of married life. Apart from not being able to provide for the needs of a family, I don't like the idea of people nagging me and with the way things are, I've got a short fuse and crack-up nerves just dealing with such the present situation. In the end, either I leave my family or my family leaves me or worse. Firefall's song "Cinderella" sums up pretty much my feelings about why I wouldn't get into a relationship, let alone get married.
I feel really sorry for the character in this song. I guess this is what happens when you try to get some comfort only to wind up with an even bigger headache. Whoever this Cinderella chick is went overboard with this guy and now it's shotgun time. I can already picture this guy tearing hear off his hair like Homer Simpson when she drops the bomb. He was looking for a one night stand and is now stuck with a longterm commitment.
One thing in common I have with this guy is that both of us are trying our best to keep our heads above water and it's making us crazy, only I wouldn't seek out that kind of comfort only to be more uncomfortable later on. When you're an adult, you really can't turn your back on things because whether you like it or not, you have to face up to your responsibilities. Even if it's acceptable to leave them, it's still a stigma because you weren't man enough to face up to those responsibilites. So there you have it, the reason why I still don't want to get married. Although I'm not turning my back on it yet, it's just not part of the plan right now and I intend to stick to the plan.
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