Ah, the things we do to impress people just to make us look and feel cool. Some people are willing to go beyond their means just to please themselves and others is something that I never understood, let alone accepted. This is because it you make look and feel cool at the moment, but sooner or later it's going catch up with you and when it does, it's hello skid row. When the truth comes out, you'll be lucky if you just look like a fool who tried to be someone that you never were. The worst part was the fact that you were living a very expensive lie. I'd rather have people like me for who I am rather than an image that I like people will like me for which I'm not both character and financial wise. Nobody sings this better than Boz Scaggs in his song, "LowDown".
For a song that tells it as it is, he does it with alot of class. There are people out there who want to live the high life. Whether it's hanging with the "in crowd" in high school or college, or wanting to get in with the in with the rich and famous, there are people out there who would want to get in to an exclusive and high class inner circle, because they think that it would boost their social status and image by being part of these elite groups. The sad part is they can't keep up due to the extravagant life style and worst is they either become a lackey of these people or wind up getting more isolated than before since they can't fit with the group. In the end they just can't keep up with the jones and wind up stranded in the middle of the road.
I'm no saint, but I would rather hang out with the good folks and these could be anybody so long as they accept you for who you are and not for the brand or your clothes or the thickness of your wallet. Even if the person is a complete opposite of me, if there is something that we can agree on or even laugh about, that person is cool in my eyes. I'd go with anybody so long as they're honest and yes to me being honest is the ultimate form of cool. That's where you'll know you've struck gold and it's better than any gold bar, coin, jewelry kind. I've got nothing against designer fashion, fancy hangouts or any of the sort, but one of the important things that I've learned in life is that substance isa better than image any old time and not only that it's cooler because it's the real deal.
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