One good thing about boarding a bus or the LRT when going home late is by that time, it's not difficult to get a seat and relax a bit, although you still have to be on your guard against strangers. Be that as it may, once you are able to sit down and relax, there are times when you get memory flashes as you head for home. In my case, the bus or LRT ride would take me an hour which is more than enough time to reminise of things from the past. It only stops when it's time to get off and you arrive at the front door. Whenever I get lucky enough to enjoy a such a ride, I wish the song "Time Passages" by Al Stewart would be playing as I make my journey.
It's the perfect song to reminise as you make you're journey home by commuting on a bus or the LRT during the last trip. Maybe it's the fatigue or the stress, but when it's not crowded on these modes of transportation, a lot of thoughts from the past can just race through your head from nowhere. Apart from that, you also get a chance to access what happened during the day. One thing for sure is that whatever stressed you out, it's best to leave it at work. Just try to relax if you have the opportunity as you make your way home.
You can also say that it's a commuting song in a sense that when I go home late, I always hope that I have enough change or I get to make it to the last trip. It's either that or take the jeep which can be very unnerving when going home late at night. That's one downside to going home late because by then, you really have to be careful and I mean careful. Oh well at least there's no traffic. Just remember, get home and safe and sound to face another day.
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