In every generation, there's always a band or an artist that would burst out of new and hit big in the music scene. You their images and here their songs all over the place and everything they touch turns to gold. Then all of a sudden, they vanish into thin air and you suddenly wonder what happened to them. Some of them went out to other career opportunities; some simply retired and are reaping the fruits of their labor, but there are some who crash and burn and become victims of their own succcess. Whether they couldn't handle their success or simply got frustrated and gave up, it's sad to hear when a talented artist or group bites the dust. One such song that tells this tale is Bad Conpany's "Shooting Star".
It tells the typical rock n'roll cycle of rise and fall. A young talented musician hits the big city, promising to make it big with his music. He and his band scores a hit and they become rich and famous. Pretty soon, the money and fame suddenly becomes too much too handle and things start spinning out of control. Then add some sex, drugs and alcohol the result is a tragedy where the musician dies way before his time. No matter how many times it happens, it's a real sad thing because these people had so much talent and still had a lot to give.
It would take too long to lists down the number of artist who went down this way. One they had in common is that they made us feel good with their music. Sometimes I wish that there was someone there who was looking out for them to make sure they didn't crash and burn the way they did. Atleast their music lives on, especially among their loyal fans. That's why I'm a loyal fan of 24K because whether the artists are one-hit-wonders or established legends, their music is preversed in that program for all to enjoy.
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