Like I said in some of my previous entries, sometimes driving down the highway when there's no traffic is a good for the nerves because you get your thoughts together and you get to see some good sights along the way. Sometimes driving down the road with your brothers and your buddies in search of something to do is just as good if not better. Sharing jokes and laughter as you speed across the road without a care in the world is one coolest things I enjoyed with them when I was young. It really goes to show just how tight we are. One of the best songs to listen to when whether alone or cruising with a group along the road was Bachman Turner Overdrive's "Let It Roll".
It's a very aggressive song that makes you want to floor it when there's no traffic on the road and once it gets into your system, you just all the pressure and problems as if they just fell of the road. When you're with your crew, it gets better and when you're jacked up, don't be surprised as everybody starts singing along to the song as the car speeds down the highway. Don't be surprised to see a lot of loud mouths and twisted expressions on the faces of your buds as they strain their throats out to the tune and shake their heads up and down. When I think about, I'm glad cellphones with cameras were not yet invented because I would hate to see what we looked liked singing along with this song.
I bet it's songs like these are the reasons why they came up with show Motormouth because there's no way that you wouldn't lose yourself these kinds of songs cause whether you're cruising or not, it's a catchy song. As I write this, I realize that it's been a long time since we done something like this. Once again deadlines and assignments at work as well as other developments have kept us from gimicks like these. Still I hope that before the year ends we brothers and buds get together again and cruise on down the road like we did way back then cause right now, a little bonding can do us good.
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