Lately I haven't been interested in watching anything in television or the movies. This is because most of the head characters are a bunch of jerks or the storyline promotes bad behavior such causing a so much trouble, getting innocent people hurt and worse, letting them get away with it in the end while the extras or other characters are left to deal with their mayhem. I've seen so much of that crap that I don't even rent DVDs anymore. Call me naive but I longed for the days when jerks really got their butts whipped and were made to realize the severity of their actions. I guess that's why I loved the song "High Enough" by The Damn Yankees and it's video.
The video features a couple who go on a robbing spree and are loving every minute of it. The police eventually catches up with them as the girl gets arrested and the guy is gunned downed by the cops. At the end the girl is sentenced to the death for her crimes and I'll tell you, if other people made this video, they'd probably let them go so they keep stealing cash from hard-working folks(that sucks)!!! For the song, the high vocals and cool guitar riff really got me hooked the first time I heard it cause it really kicks butt. I don't even listen to today's band because I don't know if they're singing, being strangled or some cases yawning.
You know even during my younger years, I never agreed with doing bad to people, especially taking what they've worked so hard for. It even irks me to see some people get away with it because when they are able to do so, they'll do it again and again. Nowadays when I see a show on t.v. or the movies, they even praise badbehavior and term it as a "robinhood" effect. That's the reason why a I like this song's video because for once it should that those do this things eventually get punished. As for the song, the guiters and high vocals still get to me because you hear that kind of quality anymore.
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