It's incredible how learning to use new technology can be so addictive. Take driving car for example; before one learned how to drive, a person was once a happy-go-lucky traveler who relied either on his feet or some fare money for commuting to get him from one place to another. This changes, however, once a person masters the skill of driving and after tasting how good it feels to get from one place to another while driving, he will never want to go back to commuting, let alone, walking again. There are some instances where in they think that the car that they borrowed is THEIRS and some cases, they drive it to the GROUND! When I think of these car-crazy individuals, I remember the song, "Highway Star" by Deep Purple.
Why the sudden craziness to get behind the wheel and just speed off? Some say that it is the ultimate feeling of freedom (especially for adolescents who grow restless for adventure). For others, it simply helps them get to their point of destination faster and for the rest is the chance to show off on the road. The problem is that most of these idiots don't a care and rely on other people's vehicles which they sometimes take without asking if the owners have somewhere important to go. They'll zoom from dusk till dawn and empty the tank without filling it up. And when they bust the car up, they can't face the owner and when they get reprimanded, they're the ones who get mad like some punk in a Japanese anime.
So what have I learned from all this? First, if you're going to speed like Mad Max, do it on your own vehicle. Secondly, be sure to ask first before using it and make sure that the owner has nowhere important to go on that day. Thirdly, be careful on the road because some people tend to speed like some drag racer, endangering themselves and others. Although I now know how to drive, I rather just really on my feet and spare change to get me to where I'm going. Maybe when I get my own car which I can maintain on my own, can I really cruise down the road.
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