Right now the film "2012" is showing in theaters and is making a big hit among local viewers. It's another one of those end-of-the-world flicks depicting the destruction of the world. When I was a kid, I admit I use to be afraid when my religion teachers would talk about it, especially when they about fire and brimstone in Hell. These days, however, with the way things are, the end doesn't sound so bad after all. The upbeatness of the song "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" by R.E.M. embodies my thoughts when the time comes.
You know I've seen all kinds of the game films and some of them, even features endings where mankind is able to avoid destruction. I wonder if the producers, directors and crew ever thought that if we did cheat the end, would the world be a better place? They don't call it the end for nothing. When it happens, it'll happen and despite all that trying figure out the scriptures or scientific analysis of the environment, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Just like Agent Scully said in the X-Files that "When God puts on a show, not even the devil can make it rain".
So what am I going to do when that happens? I guess I'll take confession and pray for everyone around me. When the flaming rock comes, I'll probably take a seat as I drink a glass from my favorite whiskey and smoke a cigar. I may even make a toast as I embrace the inevitable. That way even if the world ends, I still feel fine.
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