One difference I found whenever I compare I compare music from 80s and the 90s is that the former was always cheerful. Even when it was about sad situations, there was something cheerful about the sound that it didn't even make you feel depressed. I guess it was a reflection of the times because we all had a blast back then. Even the sad songs had a cheerful streak in it. One such song was "Out Of Season" by Reo Speedwagon.
This is one of my favorite songs from that group. Great guitars and great piano play combined with really good vocals, what more can one asks for. Although it tells the story of guy who's down in the dumps after a break up, it doesn't sound that way. The music is played in such a way that you really just want to get up and dance with it, rather than feel depress. I guess in a way, it was trying to console whoever the song was talking about. Only in the 80s, can they make such a song.
Unfortunately this is one of those songs that didn't get much airplay back then. I consider this to be one of the band's most underrated songs. It definitely deserves to played in the radio. Once again I hope Rt's 24K program plays this song and give the air time it deserves. Good songs even if they are old deserve to heard by everyone. This is definitely one of them.
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