In one of my October entries, I blogged about how the roles are now reversed when it comes to the horror genre. These days it's the vampires and all the ghouls who are the "good guys" and the humans are all religious fundamental "fanatics" who are narrow-minded and hypocritical throwbacks of the dark ages. Even though it's obvious that majority of these creatures prey upon us, these days, they are made to look like some misunderstood and persecuted minority class who we should understand even though they throw their weight around the hapless human population. We are now portrayed as either victims or narrow-minded bigots for these so-called "misunderstood" creatures. These days that kind of portrayal doesn't sit well with me. When I hear the song "Sympathy For The Devil" by The Rolling Stones, I think too many villains are getting away with it both in movies and real life.
Is it because of the power, the air of mystery or simply being part of a secret club that people these dd days fawn upon such monsters? When will they realize that evil is evil and that given its nature, will kill when the thirst beckons? It's not just with movies; we see robbers, rapist and even killers are made to sympathetic while shifting the blame on society or even the victims for failing to understand what drives them. Even if they came from a broken home or had a bad break, it doesn't excuse them for committing such heinous acts on people who did not even know them. We scrutinized too much that in the end, what's wrong is wrong. It may be a black and white conclusion for some, but in the end, you can't sugar-coat the damaged done by these idiots.
I still believe that forgiveness and sympathy are great quality traits that people are capable of expressing. However, it is something that is EARNED not DEMANDED! I may sound puritanical but nowadays we have become too soft and too forgiving that we are letting evil get its way. Before anyone accuses me of being a "brown shirt" Nazi, look around you and tell me I'm wrong. Too many criminals are running wild while the cinema continues to glorify evil. That's the reason why I really believe that there's too much sympathy for the devil.
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