It was another stressed-out weekend which left me rather tense today. It didn't help that today is Monday and being worn-out and tense at the same time is not the way to start the week. When you're only solace from stress is the workplace, I don't know if you can call it ironic or tragic. In my case, it's just another sad reminder of how trouble is like an endless downpour of rain that keeps me drenched with no relief in sight. Times like that I feel so alone and sinking in. That's the reason why I liked the song "Rain King" by Counting Crows the first time I heard it.
This song bests describes my situation where problems are like rain drops that never stops pelting me to the point that it's like adding insult to injury. You already got a ton of problems to worry about and instead of getting relief, more crap gets thrown in your way. It gets worse when you hear the whining and as much as you want to remedy the situation, you can't because you don't have the means. A lot of times, you're left wondering or imagining of ideal places as your only means of escape. It's not much but at least I still have my imagination to get me through this muck.
Like the character in the song, I guess I too would want the same as anyone else. Still, achieving that is easier said than done with the way things are right now. Every time I work on something, something happens that leaves me face flat on the floor. Still, I try to focus on the goal and try not to let the problems get the better of my attention. I guess I just have to learn how to carry it that's all.
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