A lot of times, I blog self-examination as well as Confucian Rule. It's to remind myself not be too judgemental. Apart from that, it also reminds how to treat and not to treat people. Sometimes people come off as high and mighty that they forget that they too have their own faults. When they start mouthing off, that's where their own skeletons start coming out of the closet. I guess that's why The Eurythmics' song "Missionary Man", reminds me that we're not perfect.
As much as we don't want to, there will be times when we make mistakes or our badsides come out. It can really humbling and even enlightening when we realize our faults. Sadly, there are some jerks out there who are oblivious to their mistakes and continue to grandstand as if they're some know-it-alls. Still when they slip, I won't join the chorus of self-righteous louts because I've done the same things before and have no right to judge. The most that I'll do is probably sigh and shake my head in sorrow as another guy falls into the same trap.
I always make it a point to remember and learn from my mistakes. I do it not as a way of absolving myself but help make myself as a better person. I have to admit there are times when I get angry at some people who do stupid things yet think highly of themselves but I try not to be judgemental. I guess it's because if judge others, I also judge myself. Still, with time some people will get it right. Just remember we're not perfect.
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