For those who read some of my entries in this blog already know that my life has had a lot of ups and downs (more down than up). When the downs hit, it hits hard and a lot of times it leaves me hurting. It seems that just when things are about to get better, they suddenly get worse. Be that as it may, I still want to get things in order as I struggle everyday to make do with what's left. The song "Take Me As I Am" by the band Tonic describes my current situation in a nutshell.
For obvious reasons, I liked this song the first time I heard it. Wrong decisions and bad results can really leave a guy emotionally scarred. Add to that the criticisms and insults that come from others who laughed at everything you say about what you think and want can sure destroy your confidence (asked any of them if they knew about it, let alone the consequence of what they said is futile because they'll probably won't remember what they did). Despite this, I am not placing the blame on others and in the end, all those mistake came from my error in judgment which is up to me to correct. Right now all I wanna change the way things are while there's still time because I'm tired of getting disappointed.
Like anyone else, I want a shot at redemption too. I'm still thankful that I am still here and that means there's still a chance to set things right. As much as it hurts, it's all in the past and I don't want to live in the past let alone repeat. I want to change things and be respected for what I am and what I believe in. To gain that will take a lot of work but I hope one day it'll be all worth it and when day comes, the hurting will finally stop and I will find some peace.