Well the countdown has started and pretty soon we will welcome 2009 with open arms (and lot of fire works and booze to boot). With the start of the a new year, we get a second at dreams and hopes that were unfullfilled in the past. A lot has happened this year and alot of it has been bad. After a terrible year full of war, economic depression, corruption and other problems, we all need a fresh start. Whenever I listen to Tracy Chapman's song "New Begining", I am reminded of that second chance to start anew.
I wouldn't be surprised if everyone wants a fresh start after all the hard times we went through this year. There have more bad times than good lately and it's just this year but in previous years as well. What hurts most is alot of bad times occured during crucial moments when a lot was at stake. Man, we get to break the cycle this time around because this cycle is one bad ride that I really want to get off. I also know that I'm not alone in thinking like this because the one thing we don't want is a repeat of the past and there's been too much repetition lately.
I don't always show it during the revelry, but I do hope that some good changes happen this time around. I hope lessons will be learned and confictss will be resolved because the last two years, there have been pains and issues unspoken and wounds unhealed that it's effect is like having a dagger stabbed between your ribs while being gagged so tight, you can't scream from the pain. As for me, I hope I can muster enough strength and make the right decisions to really break the cycle this year as I start to feel the weight of my years on me. There's too much at stake and I don't much time which is why I have really steel myself some more to really change things around. I believe everyone deserves a fresh start and I hope this new year is really a new begining not only for me, but everyone else so as the celebrations start, I keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.