Man I remember during one of my bad periods when a lot of things were taken away from me. Though I felt destitute and heart-broken, I also realize that I had two choices: either you finish your decent to failure or fight to reclaim what was taken from you. I chose the latter and proved those who took what I cherished that I wasn't going down the tubes as they expected. I wasn't going to let all that I held dear slip away without a fight after working so hard to attain it. Whenever I think of how things are against me during my darkest hour, I remember the song "Prove Me Wrong" by David Pack.
This song provided me with the fuel to reclaim what was taken from me during those down days. You know people all have dreams and aspirations in life and it stinks when something happens that threatens all we hold dear, especially when we worked so hard to achieve it. Whenever we struggle to achieve our goal, you can bet that there's some jerk out there who who'll try to gum up your plans and put you out of the race. When that happens, you got to fight tooth and nail to prove that you're on track and not listen to those who jeer at your efforts. When you win out in the end, the joke is on them who scurry out of sight when you are the victoer.
No matter how many times you win out in a struggle, you can be sure that there's a new one around the corner. Life is a never-ending struggle to survive and there cruel people out there who would like to see you fail. When that happens, it's time to stand your ground and fight hard for what you believe and hold dear. You can bet that they'lll be more and more vicious in their desire to see you fail. Just remember to hold your ground and prove them wrong.
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