Well today is my birthay and another year has just past which I thank the Big Guy from above this morning. Apart from that, Christmas is just a week away as people make their last minute preparations to ensure a good celebration. If there was one thing that I wish for on my birthday is that everyone will be there when the big day comes. Celebrating Christmas took a new meaning for me when we started to drink together and laugh together because I felt our bonds grow deeper. My wish for this to come true gets heighten whenever I hear Kenny Loggins'song "Celebrate Me Home".
I never admitted this to anyone but whenever the family gathers around to celebrate, there is nothing more that I could ask for. Seeing the kids open up their presents and smiling at what they received while me and my brothers and sometimes my friends would break the evening silence with good music, beer bottles opening and a chorus of laughter. In all the times that we did that, it made me proud of who I was and who my family is. More than the drinks or the presents, what was cool was the fact that we were all there happy is always the best present that I can ever get. Seeing that and feeling that makes reminds of what family is all about.
You know even if there are no fancy presents, expensive food or even good booze, so long as I see everybody there, it is enough for me. I don't care if there are no Christmas trees and only dried fish is prepared so long as I see all of them happy then I am happy. With the way things are right now, I do so hope that a miracle would happen and things end well. I know it's childish of me to make such a wish, but then the holidays bring out the child in all of us so we better make sure that we wish for the most important thing. Christmas is all about family and if there's no family, then there's no Christmas.
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