When things are too quiet, you know that something's going down. It can be a good kind of kind of quiet when someone throws you a surprise party or it can be a bad kind of quiet when you're boss suddenly calls to his office and shuts the door. It's worse when you enter a room and everybody's quietly doing their own thing to the point of being oblivious to each other or someone going off from the group for reasons only he knows. At times silence can be good when you need some time to collect your thoughts. Whatever the reasons, when things are too quiet, you know something's going down and that's what I feel everytime I listen to Simon And Garfunkel's song "Sound Of Silence'.
For me, silence is one of my imagenary friends who gives me shelter from the chaos brought about by some bad mistake. When someone dumps a truckload of crap on my lap, if I start clamming up, it means I'm pissed. Whenever a person gets pissed or is not feeling right, it proves the old saying that silence speaks louder than words. The negative energy that the person projects is louder than any whining or shouting that can uttered. When you feel that aura spreading to the room, you better take notice.
What projects a person's true emotions bottled up inside can also be the thing that can soothe him. Like I said previously, when all things are quiet, then I can let all that negative dissipate without passing it on to someone else like a deranged zombie bitting one victim after another. It also helps me pull myself together to reassess things to know how to deal with the situation. One thing for sure, be wary when things get to quiet. That's why I appreciate the sound that silence makes.
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