You know there are some song that for some reason bring out the revolutionary in a person. The mere sound of snare drums makes one feel that it's time to get and get ready because something big is about to happen. Whatever that it maybe, you know something's going down and it's going to be a big change. I always had these thoughts during my highschool days when Marcos was still in power. One song that really gets me in guerilla-war-mood is "Sunday Bloody Sunday" by U2.
According to what I read in Youtube, the song is dedicated to the victims were shot by British soldiers in Dery, Ireland on January 30, 1972 during a peace rally. 14 were killed and many others were wounded during that incident. Although the band stressed that it is not a revolutionary song, whenever I hear it, I feel like suiting up a battle. It's hard not to think of it as a song inciting a revolution because of the raw emotion of the song and the sense that it's urging listeners to rise up and do something. During my time, there was a lot of that going on during Ninoy's assasination which I will blog on February next year.
With everything that's been happening since the 9/11 incident to the Mumbai Crisis, it makes you wonder when will it all end. You also wonder in this age where people denounce violence, more violence occurs. I hope that one day all of this will be resolved without anymore loss of life. Too many people have been lost to violence already. We don't need, let alone want more loss of life to happen.
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