When you wake up and you see the same old problems tormenting you, it gets tiring. It gets to the point where you wish you wouldn't wake up. Apart from that memories from the past become more vivid in your mind. It's because times were good compared to the grim reality you keep facing. In the end, if you'd be able go back, you would because life was happier back then and problems were nowhere to be found. Wanting to live in the past reminds me of Jethro Tull's song "Living In The Past.
It's a very upbeat song that makes me feel both happy and relaxed with is now a luxury here in the present. It makes me remember the times when life was fun and there was nothing to worry about. Sure there were no cellphones, facebooks, internet, etc. because there was no need for it. You met up with people and really felt their company. There was real interaction with real people and you can really feel it.
Life was more fun back then but sadly you live present and it's all you've got. If you want things to get better you have to work for it and that's bottomline. Just take your time and work things out then when it's over, the good times will be back. The past is gone but one day all times will come. When it does, it'll be like living in the past all over again.
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