In My Rain King Post, I equated the rain with problems. Like the rain, when problems come, they really pour down on you. Even if there was some respite, it would be like a small umbrella and you'd find yourself drenched. One thing about getting wet from rain and having a headache from multiple problems have in common is that you'd wish it would stop. Asking that question makes me feel like listening to Credence Clear Water Revival's song "Who'll Stop The Rain".
Like problems, when the rain comes, it really pelts you when it pours down. It starts off with soft pelts that you pay no head until they get bigger and pour down in large numbers and before you know it, you're drenched from head to toe. Problems are the same thing except with rain, you'll be lucky if it's just about getting wet. Like rain, when problems start falling one after another, it sure wears a man out. You're left cold and miserable, wondering if there's any end to this.
Whether it's rain or problems, there's no telling when it will stop. One thing's for sure and that's whether it's rain, problems or both, the only way to deal with it is to brave the downpour. Even if you do get wet, it's your way of saying that you won't back down to this crap your'e pouring on me. Still, there'll be a time when even the most brutal of storms would stop and a solution for the hardest of problems will be found. It's just a matter of hanging in there and even if there's no stopping the rain, it also about being prepared for it no matter how long it takes.
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