If my brother's see this entry, they'll probably ask me if I'm going crazy because I really don't listen to this kind of music, but nevertheless, it's part of my generation and it's on 24K. Ever get the feeling that there's too much bad and too little good that's been happening lately. You try to let it go when things go bad and just wait for the next chance to come by only to have lightning strike twice. Pretty soon, it's one bad thing after another and it's starting to take it's toll on your sanity. Once things go too far, you really have to stop and take a look around if someone's doing this on purpose. Whenever it gets to that point, I remember the song "Do You Really Want To Hurt MeA" by Culture Club.
Too be honest, I don't really listen to this band but I really can't think of another song that clearly describes what I feel when things get too much. I try to be level-headed and objected when bad things happen but when they pop up one after another, you're really starting to wonder what's going on. The hard part about it is that you try as hard as you can and follow the rules and you still wind up getting screwed. I try not to be like other people who explode over the smallest development but even my patience have their limit to crappy incidents. I try to work through the pressure and in the middle of it all, I fight the urge to point fingers and play the blame game which solves nothing.
I really hope things look up this year because last year really sucks big time. It' really break my heart if this year becomes repeat of the previous year because it makes you think that you're condemed to this situation. I just hope that everything that I'm working on bears fruit because time's gold and I'm not getting any younger. Of course I need to move and I just hope that this time around, I make the right moves. Life isn't fair, but doesn't mean it should be more unfair than it already is.
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