It never fails: Every time I watch a UFC match, something happens with wrecks my day. It was bad enough that it that the matches were really lousy and then out of the blue the whole house explodes, leaving me pissed as hell. Man, no matter how hard you keep the peace, when things start spinning out of control, there's no stopping it. Why this happens, I'll probably never know, but I am getting sick and tired of it. When people cause or spread misery around, I remember the song "Misery" by Soul Assylum.
Whoever said that misery loves company was a very mean person. People who do that are the ones I'd like to beat the living crap out of. Whether they're bullies, drama-queens, terrorist or just plain jerks who had a bad day, they have a way of spreading their bad moods faster than a zombie in Jorge Romero film. They are selfish people who are so caught up in themselves, they think that they are the only ones who matter and treat everyone (including those who care about them) like crap just because they' pissed. They think just because they're anger is righteous, they have a right to spread they're hate around and just get away with it. For showing such bad behavior, I've got news for them: All they'll gonna get from me is a punch is the jaw because they got a really lousy way of asking for attention, let alone sympathy.
I'm not a perfect person, but one thing that I will never do is make other people miserable when I'm in a bad mood. The worst that I'll probably do is just keep quiet, although sometimes, I might be alittle rude (I can't help it cause I'm pissed). Spreading misery is the same as spreading the plague and it doesn't do any good. I'm not taking away any person's right to get mad because there are times when people have a valid reason for doing so. Just don't mistake it as right to hurt others because not everybody will understand your anger. So if you're pissed, please keep it to yourself because you might wake up a sleeping demon who might just show you the consequences of your foolish impulse.
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