A couple of days ago, I blogged about remembering what a fine day was all about which I longed for. These days, a fine day is now a rare commodity is an understatement. Waking up to going to bed, you can be sure that something’s bound to happen that will ruin your day. Even when things are going smoothly to the end, something will just hit you from out of the blue, leaving you flat on the floor asking yourself “What was that for?!” The only time you know it’s over is when you close your eyes at night only wake another tense filled day. When Rt plays the song “Synchronicity II” by The Police, I always feel that I have to be on my guard for what the day brings.
It never fails that something’s going to happen that will just ruin your day. Reasons range from money, tantrums, health, sudden appointments or all of the above and no matter what the reasons are your orderly routine gets thrown into the shredder. What pisses me off is when people finally get things resolved is that they fail to realize what they have put you through just to give in to their sudden demands. It’s like the final scene in the movie “Seven Samurais” where villagers celebrate their harvest, leaving the surviving swordsmen who continue to mourn their fallen comrades making me wondering if these people realize what these guys went through for them.
Nowadays, it’s just one crazy day after another and a good day is where nothing happens where everybody eats early and you get to clean up faster. I’ll be lucky if I don’t hear any complaints when I get home or while I’m at work. With January on it’s last week, I’m starting to wonder if there’ll be any changes that will happen this year. Despite all this tension, I’m still grateful for a lot of things which I never take for granted. May God grant me strength and meet me half way to find a solution to this never-ending routine which is really starting to get on my nerves.
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