As each year comes and goes, changes also occur with every passing. It can be the fads, physical appearances and the political mood of a society that undergo these changes. Yet despite all that, there are some things that are constant no matter what changes take place. The worst part is the things that give you a headache are the ones that never change. That's what I think when I hear the song "Backwater" by the band The Meat Puppets.
Every year, you hope, try and pray that the new year is going to be better than the last year. You plan your strategy, see all those who know and do all the neccessary moves in the hopes that something good would bear fruit. Despite all that, things fall apart and you're left back where you started, wondering what went wrong. It's also the same with people who are a pain-in-the butt year in and year out. Situations like that really take the fun out of waking up because you know what's in store for you for the rest of the day.
With everything so predictable, you'd wonder if anything good will come out after putting so much effort into it. When it happens all the time, you start to think you're the character in a sick comedy show and the audience want you to remain that way because it's funny but to you it' not. Man, I do so hope that I turn things around because this kind of monotony I can't stand. Be that as it may, I hope that things will turn around this time and I double my efforts if I want that to come true. Atleast, I still have hope and that will never change.
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