When I take a look back at all the foolish mistakes that I've made, the one good thing it taught me was to straighten out my own life before I make comments about other people. I guess that's the reason why like what Jesus Christ said to the crowd who wanted to stone an adulterous woman that only those who are without sin should make the first throw. Once in a while, people should take a long hard look at themselves because before they mouth off other people about how they should think and I act, they better be sure that they're conscience is clear and even if it is, it's still doesn't give them the right to be some almight S.O.B. Whenever I see people who tend to criticize others but whose lives are in worse state, it makes me sick. That's the idea that I get when I hear the song "Berore You Accuse Me" by Eric Clapton.
I really hate when some people think that they are better than others and continue to critize other people yet they do more stupid things than the people that they are criticizing. Quiet frankly, they're high and mighty lectures do more harm than good and it's not to give good advice, but rather serve their self-rigtheous egos whose size just keeps getting bigger. Alot of them are all talk and no action and when actions is really needed, they hide behind someone's back or worse under someone's skirt. That's the reason why when they're exposed, I just shake my head and laugh. They should have just washed their own dirty laundry.
Whenever I see people like that, I call them a bunch of self-righteous louts who always have something to say. As much as possible, I avoid them because I don't want to get a headache and these guys can sure give one. They think they're titles and achievements give them the right to act the way they do. Well I say F___K You!!! Why don't you fix your own yard and better yet stay there. One day might fix your yard for you and you won't like it.
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